It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do and then do your best.
W. Edwards Deming

Sometimes things don’t go as planned; we get it. We specialise in partnering with your business to provide a clear path forward, empower those already working within your business (through coaching and mentoring) and establishing key success metrics tied to longterm results to uplift capabilities and deliver continuous improvement. We’ve got this.



  • Project Rescue

  • Project Board Assurance

  • Continuous Improvement Workshops

  • Waterfall to Agile Transition

  • Agile Delivery & Project Coaching

  • Change Management

  • Project & Team Health Checks

  • Project Team Building & Mentoring



Doing something new and important often results in a few bumps along the way, we are here to help you navigate these unchartered waters.

Agile or waterfall; as a business you will temporarily have a mini organisation working within yours for the duration of the project. This is the Newpace purpose; joining you on your journey to accelerate your potential by bringing a group of people together with different skill-sets and experiences to deliver something awesome.

We have many years of experience in helping businesses to improve project delivery capabilities by working with varying project teams (size and strengths) to deliver longterm results. We believe any project is a journey and it is our focus to spend time coaching teams in continuous improvement, setting realistic goals and working with you to make sure all the right ingredients are available for success. 

We love sharing our knowledge, experience, tools and techniques on all things change, project and digital. Helping to grow confidence within your business. Our goal is for you to fire us – because YOU GOT THIS!

Ready to chat about your business and how Newpace can help put the right project improvements in place?

Let’s Meet.